Help Preserve Every Drop by Adopting these Tips for Indoor Water Conservation

In DuPage County, the average person uses 106 gallons of water each day. Approximately 69% of this water is used inside the home for daily tasks. For more information, check out our Indoor Water Use Pamphlet.

Water conservation allows us to use water more efficiently and reduce water waste. That includes limiting water waste due to leaking fixtures such as toilets. Did you know fixing even a small toilet leak can save you $50 or more per year through lower water and sewer bills! For more information see our Toilet Leak Detection Pamphlet.

See how WaterSense‘s Flo checks for leaks:

Watch more helpful WaterSense videos here.

Do you know how much water we use for daily tasks?

Here are some numbers to be your guide.

  • A five-minute shower uses approximately 25 gallons (calculated at 5 gallons a minute). Install a low-flow shower head to reduce water use to 2.5 gallons per minute.
  • A typical full bathtub can hold 35 gallons of water.
  • A toilet uses 3.5 to 6 gallons of water per flush depending on how old it is; a new toilet only uses 1.6 gallons per flush or less!
  • Running water continuously while brushing your teeth can use 1 – 3 gallons of water per minute, depending on the flow rate of the faucet.
  • An automatic clothes washer uses 30-60 gallons of water for a full cycle.

See the links to two different  Water Calculators to determine how much water YOU use daily.

Want to take the water quiz with you?

Click here to download the Water Quiz pamphlet.

Want to pledge to preserve every drop?

Click here to find out how.

Average Indoor Water Use in a Non-Conserving

Indoor Water Usage
26% of indoor water use goes to flushing toilets.

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